usage | description | ||||||||||||||||
draw backbone <N|on|off|tog>sets size of/shows/hides chain backbones of current selection
| draw covalent <N|on|off|tog> | sets size of/shows/hides covalent bonds of current selection
| draw spacefill <N|on|off|tog> | sets size of/shows/hides atom vdw radii of current selection
| draw ballstick | draws ball and stick for atom vdw radii and covalent bonds of current selection
| draw wireframe | draws only wireframe covalent bonds for current selection
| draw spacefillPoints <on|off|tog> | toggles points rendering of spacefill vdw radii of current selection
| draw sfpDensity [N] | sets density of spacefill points drawn for atom vdw radii
| draw bgcolor [r g b] | sets background color to [red green blue] (value range: 0 - 1)
| draw surf | Surface drawing commands
| |