ff run [on|off|tog]Enables running of forcefield on force objects
| ff step [N]Runs the forcefield for [N=1] timesteps and then stops
| ff tsLen [N]sets timestep length to [N]
| ff covalentFailDist [N]sets covalent bonding fail distance (distance which bonded atoms can drift from bond limits)
| ff zeroVel [on|off|tog]sets velocities of force objects to zero at start of each timestep
| ff maxStericDist [N]sets maximum distance for steric interactions (distance between force object center-of-masses)
| ff maxElectroDist [N]sets maximum distance for electrostatic interactions (distance between charged atoms)
| ff maxHbondDist [N]sets maximum distance for hydrogen bonding interactions (distance between hydrogen and acceptor atom)
| ff maxRingStackDist [N]sets maximum distance for ring stacking interactions (distance between ring center-of-masses)
| ff hbondScaleForce [N]sets scale factor for hydrogen bond force
| ff covalentScaleForce [N]sets scale factor for covalent bonds
| ff ringStackScaleForce [N]sets scale factor for aromatic ring stacking interactions
| ff electroScaleForce [N]sets scale factor for electrostatic interactions
| ff stericForceEnabled [on|off|tog]Enables steric force
| ff torsionForceEnabled [on|off|tog]Enables torsion force
| ff hbondForceEnabled [on|off|tog]Enables hbond force
| ff covalentForceEnabled [on|off|tog]Enables covalent bond force
| ff ringStackForceEnabled [on|off|tog]Enables ring-stacking force
| ff electroForceEnabled [on|off|tog]Enables electrostatic force
| ff movementEnabled [on|off|tog]Enables timestep movement
| ff linFriction [N]sets friction factor on linear movement
| ff rotFriction [N]sets friction factor on rotational movement
| ff maxMove [N]sets limit on maximum linear movement in a timestep
| ff maxRot [N]sets limit on maximum rotational movement in a timestep
| ff nbeProject [N]sets projection of non-bonding electrons along atom radius, as a fraction of the vdw boundary
| ff stericAttractExp [N]sets steric force attraction exponent
| ff stericRepulseExp [N]sets steric force repulsion exponent
| ff vdwTorsionScale [N]sets the scaling factor for van der waals radii used in torsion force calculation
| ff hbElectroScale [N]sets the scaling factor for hydrogen bond electrostatic force
| ff hbElectroCalcEnabled [on|off|tog]Enables hydrogen-bonding electrostatic force
| ff volBounceEnabled [on|off|tog]Enables bouncing off volume boundaries
| ff volBounceForce [N]Sets/shows magnitude of volume bounce force
| ff energyCalcEnabled [on|off|tog]Enables energy calculation in addition to force calculation
| ff reportStats reports interaction statistics for most recent timestep
| ff timestepsPerTick [N]sets the number of timesteps that are done in each application timer event tick
| ff reset Resets the timestep context to initial state (clears timestep statistics and count), but does not change current ff parameters.
| ff resetTsCount Resets the timestep counter to zero.
| ff setFfParamDefaults Sets the timestep parameters to default values.
| ff paramsWrite <outFileName>Writes all forcefield global settings to 'outFileName'.
| ff paramsRead <inFileName>Reads all forcefield global settings from 'inFileName'.
| ff paramsReport Reports all forcefield global settings to status window.
| ff fo Force Object commands
| ff movie Forcefield movie commands.
| ff cfc Custom Force Container commands
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |