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ff movie



usage description
ff movie reset sets position to first frame of forcefield movie
ff movie incFrame [N]increments frame of the forcefield movie
ff movie end sets position to final frame of the forcefield movie
ff movie reversePlay [on|off|tog]sets/shows the reversePlayback state of the forcefield movie
ff movie play [on|off|tog]sets/shows the playback state of the forcefield movie
ff movie pause [on|off|tog]toggles current recording or playback of forcefield movie
ff movie stop stops current recording or playback of forcefield movie
ff movie record [on|off|tog]sets/shows the record state of the forcefield movie
ff movie recordRate [N]sets the record rate of the forcefield movie (timesteps/recorded frame)
ff movie playbackRate [N]sets the playback rate of the forcefield movie (recorded frames/timestep)
ff movie pos [N]sets/shows the current frame of the forcefield movie
ff movie outfile [sFile]sets the name of the output file for recording
ff movie infile [sFile]sets the name of the input file for playback
ff movie writeFrames <sOutFile> <iBeginFrame> <iEndFrame>writes a subsequence of frames of the current movie to another file



See Also: